Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Sugababes 4.0?

August 2009Well, its obvious to most that sugababes have been around for a long time and they have had many ex-members, but this year the most shocking group shuffle was cutting out Keisha Buchanan and replacing her with Jade Ewen only because Keisha was a Sugababes orignal and had been around the longest.The switch was a shock to me because earlier in the year the girls released "Get Sexy" and everything looked like it was going well. Wouldnt it had made more sense to just keep Keisha in the group, the group has made it this far and personaly i think it was Keisha who made that all happen. Sugababes seventh studio album "Sweet 7" will be comming out in the UK in march 2010. At the end of the day though i still can't hate on the girls because there new song "About A Girl" is soo good so when it comes down to it.. maybe change is good?? What do you think?
September 2009

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