Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Paradiso Girls

While i was gone the Paradiso Girls debut album Crazy Horse has sprung a leak!!
Two of the songs (Down & So Over) have finaly leaked in full after floating around the web as snippets. The songs Unpredictable & My Dj have been getting air-play from Cherry Tree Radio. Being a strong TPG supporter i was pleased with what i heard but upset that neither of the songs are going to be released as their second single! In one of my earlier posts i said that "Boys Go Crazy" was cofirmed as TPG second single. Since then those plans have been scrapped and the new second single will be "Who's my Bitch". WMB is one of my favorite Paradiso songs and iv been waiting forever to hear an HQ version of the song. The girls have shot & finished the video but still nothing. There has been word that the single is put on "hold"... How much longer do i have to wait for a song i already know im going to love?!!
Here is one of my favorite leaks "Down" take a listen & tell me what you think?

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